Shabbat Bereishit is a Sabbath of
new beginnings, as we begin the cycle of Torah readings again and the
work/school year really starts after the summer and holiday seasons. It is the
time that Miki and Emmy have chosen to formally establish their home together.
What can we learn from this week’s reading to get them started on their way?
In the Garden of Eden everything
gets off to a lovely start but the beauty doesn’t last for long, maybe only a
few hours. As the Torah tells the story, the reality in which we live is the
outcome of eating the forbidden fruit, the subsequent curses and banishment
from the Garden of Eden. What lessons, if any, might it teach us that are applicable
to life outside the Garden.
When we read the story, one of the
first questions that emerges is: “Why was it so easy for the snake to tempt the
woman into eating the forbidden fruit? Part of the answer may be in the way the
original instructions were transmitted. Before the woman appears on the scene
as a separate being, God commands. “Of every tree of the garden you are free to
eat; but as for the tree of knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat of it;
for as soon as you eat of it, you shall die.” (Genesis 2:16-17).
When the woman meets the snake, she reports:
“We may eat of the fruit of the other trees of the garden. It is only about
fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden that God said: ‘You shall not eat
of it or touch it, lest you die’” (Gen 3:2-3).
There are several conspicuous
differences between the command and the report. In particular: 1) The woman
does not call the tree by its name rather, “the tree in the middle of the
garden” and 2) she adds the prohibition against touching the tree. These gaps
provide the snake with the openings to tempt her. Rather than examining the
snake’s methodology, let us ask preliminary questions: Why doesn’t the woman
know the name of the tree? Why does she add to the prohibition?
Rabbi Yehuda Henkin proposes an
interesting answer. The woman does not know the name of the tree because the
man (Heb. “Ha-adam”) did not tell her and he was the first to add the
prohibition about touching (as the midrash reports in Avot D’Rabbi
Natan). He related to her as a child to whom you do not tell all the details
and reasons for a rule, and from whom you expect blind obedience. Henkin claims
that the man (Heb. Ish) did not understand at first that the woman was
an independent human being of equal worth. Rather he saw her as an extension of
himself, “Then the man said, ‘This
one at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one shall
be called Woman (Heb. Isha) for from man (Heb. Ish) was she
taken’” (Genesis 2:23).
Henkin stresses that the man and
woman were created equal. The man’s demeaning evaluation of the woman caused
her to stumble. Then she caused him to stumble. One stumble leads to another,
and together they lead to sin and damnation. To this very day, humanity is suffering
the results of the Original Disrespect.
The result of the eating that
forbidden fruit was not limited to the knowledge of good and evil, or even the
introduction of human mortality. God decrees: “I will make your pangs in
childbearing most severe” while the man is told, “All the days of your life:
Thorns and thistles shall it sprout for you… By the sweat of your brow shall
you get bread to eat” (Gen. 3:16-17). It is not childbirth that is the curse,
but rather the pain; not work and effort, but rather the frustration and
difficulty. According to this reading the travail, frustration and pain in this
world are the result of the first man’s deprecating attitude towards the Other
in his life.
Their descendants (that’s us) are
yet to internalize the message. Deprecating attitudes between people, as
individuals and groups (not only between men and women, but also between
nations and ethnic groups, or even between adults and children, etc.) continue
to cloud and taint our world. Indeed,
we were propelled into an entangled thicket. Is there a way out? The last verses
in the section hint at the way.
First: “The man named his wife Eve,
because she was the mother of all the living.” The man understands his mistake
and now relates to the woman as an independent being, and gives her a proper
name, “Eve.” We would not have been surprised if he had been angry and separated
from her. However, he takes a different course, not only giving her a name but
expressing understanding for one of women’s roles in human history. Rabbi
Jonathan Sacks notes that only after this point is the man referred by the
personal name Adam without the prefix “the” (Heb. Ha-), which makes “adam”
a common noun. Only when the woman has a proper name, does the man receive one.
Together, they confront the difficult situation they brought upon themselves,
move forward to create a family and get to work.
Then, in the next verse we read, “And
the Lord God made garments of skins for Adam and his wife, and clothed them” (Gen.
3:21). Again, it would have been reasonable for the God to be angry and
break-off his relationship with the rebellious couple. Rather, S/He responds with
kindness and provides them with better clothing for facing the coming challenges.
To all of us, my message is: There is
no way back to Eden but we do have a way to improve our current reality: by
relating to each other and to all Others with respect, giving and kindness.
To Miki and Emmy: One of the seven wedding blessings
says, “May the loving couple be happy, just as You made Your creation happy in
the garden of Eden, at the beginning of time.” However, as we have just seen,
the first couple did not get chance to rejoice in the Garden of Eden for very
long. Therefore, I hope that you will learn the lessons of mutual respect, cooperation
and giving so that you can rejoice in your home together for many, many years.
Parashat Bereishit 5774, Hod veHadar
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