Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Crossing the Red Sea through the Eyes of a Timbrel


"In every generation, every individual is obligated see him/herself as if he or she had been redeemed from Egypt" (Haggadah).

In order to encourage more concrete visualisation of the Exodus, Rabbi Miriam-Simma Walfish (Hadar Institute and Pedagogy of Partnership) suggests trying to imagine ourselves as a minor participant in the event, or even an inanimate object. Inspired by her class, I chose to imagine what one of the women's timbrels might have said.  


I am a timbrel. Not a fancy modern tambourine with jingles all around but a simple handmade frame drum: a plain wooden hoop with a piece of skin stretched and tacked on. I was made by one of the Israelite women in Egypt whose name has been lost to history, but let’s call her Yisraela.

In the future, male commentators will ask why the women knew to bring timbrels when the left Egypt, but that's not really a question. Of course Yisraela packed me before leaving the only home she'd ever known, for a new unknown world of “freedom,” whatever that means. She didn't have any personal possessions other than a change of clothes, a blanket and me, her timbrel. We've been through a lot together and so I was placed lovingly on the top of her pack.

And that’s a good thing.

Have you ever gone on a trip with a three-year-old, without any snacks? Just think about that for a moment.

Before Yisraela joined Miriam’s chorus to praise God and celebrate redemption, I  – and many other timbrels – entertained, soothed or, at least, distracted hungry, confused and frightened babies and children. Without us timbrels, the little ones and their moms might not have made it to the other side.

When it was difficult to see the safe haven at the end of the tunnel formed by the waters that stood like
walls, the concern that ordinary women and men showed for each other – for the young, the elderly and  weak – helped ensure that they were saved.

Eventually, the time to dance did come. No one loves a good dance and lively song more than I do.

But I am capable of so much more.  


If a great miracle occurs but we don't care for the weak and pay attention to small details, its influence will be fleeting.


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